Many people have offered to help with the garden and we want your help! We have created a crop share for volunteers. If you are interested in helping us manifest this space, we're excited to share the abundance.
how it works
Average hourly rate for farm labor in America is $13-15/hr.
Every volunteer member gets a timecard to keep track of time contributed. As the harvest comes in, everyone who has contributed hours can pull from the garden equivalent to $15/hr for their time.
A limited number of paid shares are available for those with ample assets & limited time for $600/share.
During harvest seasons you will have a portion of the crop of fruits vegetables and flowers packaged for pick-up, delivery will incur an additional expense of $100.
space share
We know this space is an abundant resource for community activity and we want to help you gather here.
The garden is available for:
community gatherings
pop-up events
collaborative engagements
special celebrations
All events are handled custom. Please contact us to discuss your events to see if we're a good fit. This is a private home so certain restrictions apply.
Currently we can host up to about 50 people comfortably.